Kitchener Waterloo Fighting Koalas

Friday, November 19, 2010

Saturday swim session and indoor biking.

This Saturday, Nov. 20th, the KW Koalas triathlon club is having our usual Saturday noon swim session at WLU pool. We have a couple of things going on with the practice. First off, Mat Reid from Hamilton, corporate owner of the Fighting Koalas triathlon club and 5 time National team triathlon coach, will be our guest coach for the practice! He is also bringing with him this years clothing, well, examples of anyways, for my members to have a look at and possibly purchase. It would be super cool to have all my members dressed in Koalas clothing for this years (2011) races. That way other people will see our name and colours and be interested in joining the club! It also builds more of a team chemistry. Nice to see your fellow members out on the race course to cheer each other on.
Mat Reid will be our guest coach for this swim session. Mat is a very good swimmer and consistently medals at the worlds for the aquathon event. Mat and I go way back now, a good 11-12 years from when my daughter first started to swim at the Hamilton downtown YMCA. Mat actually discovered her and recommended to my daughter's mother that she should be in competitive swimming. It is also at the YMCA where I discovered the world of triathlons. When my daughter was swimming they wanted the kids to go out to Guelph Lake and do a Kids of Steel triathlon. This is where it all started! By going out to watch the kids I also saw the adults racing and I believe Simon Whitfield was racing that weekend as well, although I would have to check up on that fact. Anyways, seeing the events for the first time I said to my daughter afterwards that if she did the race next year, I would too! And we did! She continued on swimming and I am still doing triathlons!
On Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm we are now doing an indoor biking session at one of our members garage. This garage is actually perfect as it has a heater, it is fully insulated and the floor has a covering on it so its not the bare concrete. Awesome! This will work out great for us throughout the winter to get some good quality base training and then some higher intensity interval workouts in before the weather gets warm and we go back outside again!!! So far the weather here in KW has been very nice but we know that will change soon enough...brrr.
Cheers and have a great weekend!

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